Sep 26, 2018 | NonProfitNews
Your email newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with supporters, but using extra tools and strategies can have a huge payoff! Check out the reasons why. Like all nonprofits, your organization relies on the support of its donors and partners. You know that...
Aug 17, 2018 | Florida Insurance Trust, NonProfitNews
David Atchley is a skilled and experienced fundraiser, successfully raising millions of dollars for his client organizations, including universities, economic development centers and cause-based organizations such as the Faison School for Autism. Atchley approaches...
Aug 10, 2018 | Florida Insurance Trust, Insurance News, NonProfitNews
“We will put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.” This declaration by President Kennedy is considered one of the most effective national promises ever made. Not because we were fascinated by the moon, or space, or even science, but because it allowed us, as a...