407.936.2132 info@npis.com


People Impacted by NPIS

NPIS strives to bring innovative and strategic cost cutting insurance products to social services agencies whose goal is to improve the lives of the less fortunate.

Non-Profit eligible classes include but are not limited to:

  • Alcohol & Drug Abuse Organizations
  • Association of Retarded Citizens
  • Behavior Healthcare Organizations
  • Children and Family Services
  • Community Action Agencies
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Developmental Disabilities Organizations
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers
  • H.U.D. Housing Assistance Organizations
  • Hospices
  • Hospitals
  • Housing Authorities
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Mental Health Agencies
  • Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Vocational Training and Rehabilitation
  • Charter Schools and other government-funded nonprofits

NPIS is proud to be the program administrator for the Florida Insurance Trust (F.I.T.). The Florida Insurance Trust is the first and only trust in Florida for non-profit entities. In January 2007 Governor Crist signed into law FS624.4625 which allows two or more non-profits that receive 75% or more of their funding from state, local or federal government to pool their workers’ compensation, property, liability, professional and auto coverages for purposes of group purchasing.

By utilizing a trust arrangement, the non-profit is able to reduce insurance premium expenses without reducing any coverages. NPIS is the only program administrator in the State of Florida dedicated exclusively to working with non-profit entities.

NPIS has been the exclusive service provider since the inception of F.I.T. For more information regarding F.I.T., please contact NPIS at 888-794-7771 or (407) 936-2132.

Source: Florida Insurance Trust