6 OSHA/HAZMAT Communication Guidelines
Many nonprofit managers might find their work to be hazardous all the time, but in fact some nonprofits do handle hazardous materials.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has distributed a fact sheet with steps for employers handling hazardous materials. The steps are:
- Learn the standard/Identify responsible staff: Obtain a copy of OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard and ensure someone has primary responsibilities for coordinating implementation.
- Prepare and implement a written Hazard Communication Program: Include a list or inventory of all hazardous materials in the workplace.
- Make sure containers are labeled.
- Maintain safety data sheets (SDSs): Keep one for each hazardous material in the workplace and ensure they are readily accessible to employees.
- Inform and train employees: Train employees on the hazardous materials in their work area before initial assignment and when new hazards are introduced. Include the requirements of the standard, hazards of materials, appropriate protective measures and where and how to obtain additional information.
- Evaluate and reassess the organization’s program: Review the organization’s hazard communication program periodically to make sure it is still working and meeting its objectives. Revise the program as appropriate to address changed conditions in the workplace.
Source: TheNonProfitTimes