Aug 28, 2019 | NonProfitNews
Originally posted on Stanford Social Innovation Review by Nidhi Sahni, Laura Lanzerotti, Amira Bliss, & Daniel Pike. Six useful starting points for nonprofits that want to build their capacity to continuously innovate. Innovation. The word is so ubiquitous, it’s...
Aug 21, 2019 | NonProfitNews
New board members will probably have their own expectations of what role they can play in the organization. The board should, at the start, find out what new board members would like to contribute to or learn from the organization. This would avoid a situation where...
Aug 14, 2019 | NonProfitNews
Originally posted on Nonprofit Hub by Hannah Trull. It’s no secret that nonprofits struggle to find funding more than businesses and corporations do. Any money left over after operating costs is usually put toward helping those in need, and that’s something to be...