Jul 20, 2018 | Blog All, NonProfitNews
Impact investing is becoming an increasingly popular way for supporters to drive social change beyond their other philanthropic efforts. Men are more likely than women, however, to view socially-conscious investing and donating as an either-or proposition as opposed...
Jun 29, 2018 | Insurance News, NonProfitNews, Technology
Digital fundraising is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay on top of emerging trends and take advantage of new tools. Here are eight trends that you can use now to better engage with supporters and raise more money. 1. Use Pop-Up Lightboxes During...
Jun 8, 2018 | NonProfitNews, Technology
Like it or not, social media has become an indispensable part of our lives. Fifteen years ago, many nonprofits were still hesitant to launch an organizational website on the Internet; today, we rarely come across a nonprofit that does not have a Facebook page or...