Oct 31, 2018 | NonProfitNews
As a nonprofit, it can be hard to focus on your year-end goals when it’s still the middle of the year. It can be even harder to decide what you need to do to accomplish year-end goals when you’re still trying to meet Q2 or Q3 goals. But the real benefit of year-end...
Sep 19, 2018 | Blog All, NonProfitNews
Monthly donor retention is essential to the long-term strength of a monthly giving program. After you’ve established the fundamentals of your monthly giving program and kicked-off an effective promotional strategy, you’re ready to consider how to best nurture your...
Aug 17, 2018 | Florida Insurance Trust, NonProfitNews
David Atchley is a skilled and experienced fundraiser, successfully raising millions of dollars for his client organizations, including universities, economic development centers and cause-based organizations such as the Faison School for Autism. Atchley approaches...